Friday 25 April 2014

Typical viewer for my television programme

Target audience
I want my target audience to relate with peppa pigs target audience. This is because Peppa Pig is a short episode with a meaning behind each screening, it always contains some sort of moral which kids at a young age should learn from. Although Peppa Pig is quite a naughty character which provokes children to be naughty 'But peppa pig does mummy' where as i want people to see my character Dizzy as naughty with making her mistakes but faces consequences which will make children not want to be naughty or encourage them to talk back to parents ect. The programme i am developing is actually more to encourage parents to show them that television can benefit their children and help their mannerisms. As a kid, i wasn't allowed to watch much tv as my mum would call it 'american trash' which was rude and clearly just for an entertaining purpose. I want mothers and fathers to see tv as an educational basis rather than a treat for their kids.  For example: Peppa pig says 'yuk' to her vegetables and doesn't eat them, which almost shows children that eating vegetables is not 'cool' because peppa doesn't eat them. On the other hand Dizzy reads a book about a girl called lucy who lies (lying lucy) this encourages children to read books within the opening scene. She then lies a couple of times but does not get away with it (her mum gets angry and shouts, taking away her books which are a privilege to Dizzy) This shows to kids that lying is bad, and you will have consequences out of bad things which in this case is lying. I also want to make the programme colourful and pink! This will appeal to young girls as pink is a popular colour within the age market I am looking at. I also think that if i make the visuals as simple as possible, less attention will be drawn to the imagery but more to the morals and lessons within the show, simplicity is key for the younger age group; they'll still be entertained by the imagery but more focused on what that character does, how they act and the responsibilities and life lessons learnt. Realistically I want her to have a typical english family: Mother: Strict but caring and the child: naughty but by being punished lightly, improves her actions. I want her to be an only child so that all attention is drawn to that one character.

Perfect Viewer

Name: Emily
Age: 7 (and three quarters)
Average day: Emily likes to hop out of bed and be excited to learn all the spellings and maths equations at her day at primary. In her spare time she likes to go to read an educational book and tell her friends that she'll have time to play horses and gallop around the playground after school hours but during school she is the hard working top student all children should be. After all her lessons are over she's fairly upset but then her mood brightens by then being able to play that exciting game of horses on the playground with her friends. Emily is quite naughty when she gets home because obviously she's tired from all those hard spellings she had to complete. She refuses to eat her cabbage at the table so her mother switches on the tv and shows Emily how the character Dizzy eats them when her mums told her to. Emily then thinking this is completely satisfying and cool doesn't only eat her cabbage but she sweeps up everything on her plate, including the hated green beans! (because dizzy does) She then watches more of Dizzy after dinner until the clock strikes 7Oclock and prances up stairs with a scrub in the bath and then returns to bed to start an educational fun day all over again!
Hobbies and Interests: Emily loves baths (bubbles amuse her) ,Reading (maths books and science equations), she likes playing with her friends (after school hours of course) and attending book clubs or science fairs in her spare time and finally of course watching a lot of The dizzy show.
Spending power: Emily being at a young age cannot fund for herself so mummy helps pay for all the books and toys she can imagine with her dad sending a certain amount of money to her from where he lives just a while away.
Typical media consumption: Emily watches television before she attends a hard day at school and every day after her dinner. She doesn't regularly play video games but she is awaiting the 'Dizzy video game' to arise from the media world. She's very interested in book and loves how entertaining they are learning life lessons every day

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