Friday 25 April 2014

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Potential issues:
With the character that I have designed I used a basic structure of south park characters being very simple and rounded features. As you can see these two characters: my own 'Dizzy' and South Parks Kyle are fairly similar with the shapes that i have used. This can also be a potential threat to my tv programme that kids may have the idea of the tv show Dizzy having some sort of relevance to South park which is not the look I am going for.

Offensive material

With the age group I am aiming for I personally don't think there would be any issues. I have to thin carefully about what voice I choose for Dizzy so that she is not seen as a racist character. I would like to use stereotypes as a typical, posh english girl but I want the tv show to be as realistic as I possibly can so I will not use this, instead I will look at her realistically to give kids a true, non-false intake on situations. I would rate my tv programme a U/PG. Some may find the television show slightly offensive due to its harsh realistic intake, but some hopefully will find this more helpful than trying to get across to kids that everything will be fine and life is easy. As shown in this story board idea.
I personally think by being harsh but still realistic and true it will be beneficial to children of a young age and their parents as well. I'm trying to do something different to my programme rather than matching others in this current day because the character i am trying to portray is a harsh lesson that they will understand realistically but also learn in a fun way. 


I would like Dizzy to be presented as a nice girl that makes mistakes like everyone does in life but has help resolving them or consequences from her actions. I will choose her voice carefully so that it is not racist/ discriminating and i will also make sure that the morals of each programme are clear so that the programme isn't showed in a  bad way to viewers. 

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