Tuesday 15 April 2014

Final design

For my final design i have created the character dizzy as what looks like a baby. This will excite children to have a walking talking baby with a smart vocabulary. As you can see Dizzy is a very rounded character, she has a circular head and all of the features are rounded with no square/straight edges. I hope to portray this as her characters personality. I have used pink as her dress because its a very attractive colour for young girls which are likely to watch my television show. I also like how i have used the bow as her head piece instead of hair because it is a very popular accessory which again children of a young age would find appealing. I have dressed her in a frilly dress as a typical attraction to young ages and i have tried to relate the dress to sleeping beauty which is a very popular movie so that my show will attract the young ages which enjoy the movie. I have also made her very short which is the idea that the walking, talking baby is near enough realistic of course avoiding the fact that a baby without hair is talking and walking.

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