Tuesday 25 March 2014

Idea Sheets

From the feedback that i received in lesson I have decided to use my first idea. This will be an awareness advert for children from ages 11-16. I still like the idea of a modern day alice and wonderland but developing an accurate modern take on the characters would be challenging and be too time consuming. For these reasons i have decided to develop the idea by creating a beneficial awareness advert that focuses on every day life as a teen and growing up that you have to face. For example- trains, road safety, drugs ect. I told my peers the idea that i has come up with and they agreed that it would be a better idea to use. Ben said that i could become very creative with the idea and maybe change the animation style to give an idea of different people different lives. I like my idea and will use stop motion and rotoscoping to show a variety of different techniques and abilities that i can use.

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