Tuesday 18 March 2014

Use of shapes in character design

Monsters inc-

Mike Wozawski- This character has been designed in a circular way. The main part of his body is just a circular head bringing attention to the facial features which also includes a lot of circular shapes: eye, teeth, mouth ect. This also draws the attention to the fact that he's a soft character, friendly and bubbly.

Sully- This character has been designed very square to show that he has power, he's strong and 'scary' in the human world. But to add some friendliness to him they have covered him in fur which almost gives him soft edges on his square look.

Randal- This character gives off a triangular shape which shows that he's a sharp, edgy character. It also shows that his body is very slim and the way in which he moves draws attention to the fact that he almost creeps around.


Mr Fredrickson is a very square character. His face has been made alot bigger than the rest if his body so that attention is drawn to his long, stern facial expression. Mr Fredrickson is a very grumpy character but he shows that he is in charge by his independence which is eggsadurate in his square shape and how the structure of his house is very square which emplies that he is stable. In terms of stability Mr Fredrickson is not, but the fact that he has a walking stick with tennis balls on the end could show that he needs something friendly and soft to keep his independence supported.

This picture shows Mr Fredrickson as a child. At this point, he is designed as a circular figure. This shows a small boy who loves adventure and is still independent which is shown by the way he moves. Everything within the little Mr Fredrickson is circular apart from his glasses which are hidden beneath his hat. This is because everything that the child see's as he gets older is all very serious and straight forward and he is almost forced to become independent.

As Mr Fredrickson spend their life together, his wife Ellie's face shape and character still stays circular which encourages the audience to think that throughout her life she stays soft, happy and helps drive the relationship which brings the idea of a wheel into the circular shape. Where as Mr Fredrickson becomes more square but still has an element of circle as he spends his life with Ellie. As soon as Ellie passes away, Mr Fredricksons smile is never there, there fore his face drops constantly frowning which exaggerates the square look on his face. This shows that he has become independent, without a partner and is forced to stand on his own. This also shows that his walking stick almost replaces Ellie to support him. Although My Fredrickson still has an element of softness about his face which his nose. This supports his glasses which he has worn throughout his life through everything, going back to the fact that his glasses see all seriousness and he would not be able to see without them which also insinuates his circular nose supports his vision.

The house from up is also very square which shows that it is supportive and steady. It also includes a triangular look about it which inputs the idea of it being edgy and sharp. This makes sense because their home contains alot of memories good and bad. This is completely forgotten when circular balloons are lifted from the chimney of the house and breaks away the house from its surroundings which could also resemble Mr Fredrickson letting go but also holding on to something that he loves (his home/wife) being supported by soft circular baloons.

The house then carries on its adventure through the sky to eventually end up at the waterfall that him and his wife have been dreaming about. The waterfall is very trinagular shaped which is seen as sharp and disturbing but this can resemble that good and bad memories make an overall memory which can be seen in anyway that you like. Each element put together creates something positive which could relate to Mr Fredrickson being square, Ellie being circular and the home that they live in having all those elements including triangular. Putting the house in an environment that the two were always dreaming about shows that although it could be dangerous, they would give it a chance because of the amount they have been through together.

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