Tuesday 26 August 2014

Initial Planning

For my Animation video I have decided to compose a music video. I've decided to do this because although I already have completed all of the character design for 'dizzy'; the animation as a cartoon television programme would have become boring. The video will be created by using rotoscoping on still images and live action footage. I thought that if i were to combine the two it could create an interesting effect when two images are superimposed. The piece that I am planning will be abstract so that the viewer can have their own take of the video rather than making it my own. The video will start with a girl laughing and almost narrate her life through the camera. Small bits of her clothing, facial features and hair will be rotoscoped. As the video goes further on the rotoscoping of each shot will increase until eventually the girls is dancing on a hill with rotoscoping flashing around her.

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